Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A day I will never forget

The happiness cannot be represented by any words. At that moment, my brain was blank.

Monday, December 18, 2006


前幾天晚上收了一個電話,是我的一個舊生,他的來電是報喜,因他的stat. passed了,雖然我之前替他報了幾個小時,但其實我也不是幫了他很多.不過他說我當時對他的當頭棒喝令他醒了.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I love my friends

Live is wonderful.
I have attended several wedding banquets recently. When I see them walking down the hallway, holding their husband, saying I do, I feel so happy for them. The moments when we were fooling around at school, karaoke or someone's home seem long time ago. We have all grown up.

I really treasure the friendship from school. It's very true.

I love you all.=>

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Picnic Day

I feel so exhausted now.
It's the first activity for the whole class. Though it's not cool, it's alright. I don't know if it's right to give them the "warning" before the picnic day. However, I feel I do what I should do at least. Anyway, they are lovely.

Friday, October 27, 2006



還記得畢業時,大家還會不時見一次,心態仍如小時一般,大家很開心,但對於一個剛剛到新環境,喜歡認識朋友的我,花一點時間在其他朋友上也不是太過份吧,我那時深信好朋友是不會離開我的,包括心靈和實際上,我很信任她們. 與此同時,她們都總受談論與男朋友的點點滴滴,我可以說什麼呢?另一方面,我也不敢找她們,因我覺得拍拖的年青人都會花多點時間在另一半身上,又怎會理我呢,我也得自己認識一些新的朋友,好讓我沒有感到那麼孤寂.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My mom

Today when I left home, my mom saw me holding my purse and a small bag for my lunch box and asked if I wanted a big brand name bag. It was quite surprising. However, I'm not crazy about those bags which cost several thousand. I feel it's not worth to buy and it takes great care to it. For several hundreds, we can save a life in africa or support a kid in China to study for a year. Somehow, I wonder why people let the brand control you.

My mom loves me. From what she said, I feel happier than I get the real one.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I don't mean to criticize us, HKers. However, I sometimes really feel embarrassed for what HK parents do. I think people should still remember there is an issue about a "Uncle bus" who spoke loudly on the bus. As an adule, I think we should behave well to teach our generation. Unfortunately, one night when I was heading to home by mtr. When a pregnant woman came in with her aound 6-year-old son, she let the boy sit. (This is one thing I don't understand why the young have to sit rather than their parents. This is a way to teach them showing respect to the elderly?) Anyway, I stood up and let the woman sit. She then turned on the video watching function on her cell phone and shared with her son!!! Since I was listening to ipod, I was wondering where the noise from. IT'S NOT THEIR HOME. On the other side, there is a Japanese girl reading on a story book quietly and her mom also shared the reading.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


They are my bf's friend's kitty. See they are so cute.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New job

I feel very happy that I have made a good decision to leave the old working place. I had been upset and frustrated for a few months before I decided to leave. Now, I feel my working life is what I want.

I want to write more here. However, I usually think of something when I'm on the way to home or work but forgot when I sit in front of the computer.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Can you imagine it's piece of cloth? It's really imaginative and creative but gross.



Wednesday, July 05, 2006



Wednesday, March 08, 2006



我真的感到很疲累. 是時候走嗎?


Wednesday, March 01, 2006




Sunday, February 26, 2006

Taiwan's snack

During the trip, we didn't have regular meals. All we have is continuos snack.
Every day is like this, work and work. I know part of it is my problem but I think I need some change.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Sunday, January 01, 2006

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